Yoga Classes vs. Yoga Therapy and Bodywork
 Yoga classes address a person’s overall health and will help people grow more flexible, balanced, and resilient. Yoga Therapy and Bodywork, on the other hand, works with a person in a way that is specific to their ailments, suffering, or life condition. Yoga Therapy will address things like rheumatoid arthritis, hypertension, menopause, depression, anxiety (to name a few) and can support pregnancy as well. Yoga therapy uses yoga’s array of modalities to help alleviate symptoms and create a container for empowerment. Yoga therapy may include postures, movement, breathing exercises, meditation, guided imagery - or the introduction of new lifestyle habits - to improve mental and physical health. The development of your betterment strategy is a co-creation between you and your yoga therapist and is a holistic process - in other words, your support is based on you as a whole person and your lifestyle. The wonderful thing about this is that small changes can have dramatic results, providing a ripple effect that creates a positive impact on your day-to-day functioning. But remember, nothing is a panacea and the level of dedication you have to your participation and practice will directly impact the results you receive. Please fill out the following form to the best of your ability. If it’s overwhelming just do what you can and don’t worry about it!

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